|| Advaitham ||

Nahi Jnaanena Sadrusham Pavithramiha Vidyathe!


                     The essence of Vedanta is that there is but one Being and that every soul is that Being in full, not a part of that Being. All the sun is reflected in each dew-drop. Appearing in time, space and causality, this Being is man, as we know him, but behind all appearance is the one Reality. Unselfishness is the denial of the lower or apparent self. We have to free ourselves from this miserable dream that we are these bodies. We must know the truth, “I am He”. We are not drops to fall into the ocean and be lost; each one is the whole, infinite ocean, and will know it when released from the fetters of illusion. Infinity cannot be divided, the “One without a second” can have no second, all is that One. The Vedanta says that the Soul is in its nature Existence absolute, Knowledge absolute, Bliss absolute.

Therefore in Advaita philosophy, the whole universe is all one in the Self which is called Brahman. That Self when it appears behind the universe is called God. The same Self when it appears behind this little universe, the body, is the soul. This very soul, therefore, is the Self in man. There is only one Purusha, the Brahman of the Vedanta; God and man, analysed, are one in It. The universe is you yourself, the unbroken you; you are throughout the universe. “In all hands you work, through all mouths you eat, through all nostrils you breathe, through all minds you think.” The whole universe is you; the universe is your body; you are the universe both formed and unformed. You are the soul of the universe and its body also. You are God, you are the angels, you are man, you are animals, you are the plants, you are the minerals, you are everything; the manifestation of everything is you. Whatever exists is you. You are the Infinite. The Infinite cannot be divided. It can have no parts, for each part would be infinite, and then the part would be identical with the whole, which is absurd. Therefore the idea that you are Mr. So and so can never be true; it is a daydream. Know this and be free. This is the Advaita conclusion.

3 Responses to “Advaita”

  1. Abhilash VR said

    “From the born of a human being, he is every where in chains till his death…

    But after death, he is free from every chains, relations…”
    This is the calssical definition about freedom from ancestors….

    But the new world need that the freedom is begin on birth and is continue till his death…
    “Life is a celebration, enjoy and continue that till his death”

  2. Kiran said

    Athokke chilappo thonnum… Pakshe pineem pandathe pole…
    Angane vallapozhumenkilum thonnaarundallo ennaalochichu samaaadhaaanikkaaaaaam….

    Problem is all about becoming authentic, which is always a dream..
    I lie, I even not dream of becoming authentic..

  3. renjini said

    if all is in one..and the manifestation of everything is you…from where all the crimes come? from within you! right?

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